What is the Care-A-Van?
Community Memorial Hospital offers Care-A-Van, a free service that transports patients to and from Community Memorial Hospital and physician offices.
What is the service area for the Care-A-Van?
The Care-A-Van provides transportation service within a 17-mile radius of Community Memorial Hospital.
What hours does the Care-A-Van operate?
Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Tuesday, Thursday | 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
How do I schedule a ride?
After your medical appointment is scheduled, call Care-A-Van at (419) 487-1877 with the following information to arrange a ride:
Patient’s name, address, and age (if a child)
Physician’s name
Address of and driving directions to appointment
Date and time of appointment
Number of people accompanying patient
Will the patient be bringing a wheelchair? (Care-A-Van does not supply wheelchairs.)
Will the patient need assistance getting from the house to the van?
Please be ready when the driver arrives.
Can the Care-A-Van pick up my prescriptions?
If your physician calls a prescription into the local pharmacy, the Care-a-Van will pick up your prescription with the following:
Written permission
Payment to the pharmacy
How are occupancy and safety handled in the Care-A-Van?
The Care-A-Van can transport one wheelchair passenger and up to three additional passengers.
The Care-A-Van is equipped with one child safety seat, safety straps to secure a wheelchair, seat belts, a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, and other emergency supplies.
More Information About the Care-A-Van Drivers:
All drivers...
Are trained in CPR
Are trained in basic first aid
Are trained to assist patients with decreased mobility
Are trained to secure passengers prior to driving
Are NOT trained to assist patients with dressing
Are NOT trained to transfer patients to and from a wheelchair.
I want to help! How can I support Care-A-Van?
If you would like to support Care-A-Van services with a tax deductible donation, please call (419) 487-1877, mail a donation to Community Memorial Hospital Foundation, 208 Columbus St., Hicksville, OH 43526, or donate online. Donations are used to maintain the van and cover fuel expenses.
Care-A-Van services were established thanks to generous donations from the Rotary Club of Hicksville, Community Memorial Hospital Foundation, and the Community Memorial Hospital Auxiliary.